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I take this picture just know.The whole picture is covered by fog.Some trees are also present in picture.Fog is a very rising issue now days.In fog ice crystals are suspended in the air and near to the earth surface.It cause dangerous effects on our health.Many human activities are effected by fog like transportation.Each year we lost many lives on roads and highways due to fog.I also face two road accidents due to fog while going to my college.It also cause shadows of objects.It decrease the visibility of eye.Sometimes this condition is very severe that we cannot see even more than ten meters.Nowdays fog is known as smog.Smog pollute our enviroment very dangerously.When fog and smoke combined each other than smog is formed.Smog is increasing due to open burning of hydrocarbons and vehicle pollutants.It is more noticeable in winter.It cause health problems like difficulty in breathing,coughing,chest irritation and lungs problem.We can protect ourselves by limiting our outdoor activit

My School

This is the picture of my school.The name of my school is Govt High School Qutab Pur.This is the best school of District Lodhran.Its area is about seventy two kanal.There are thirty rooms in my school.There are thirty teachers in our school.All the teachers are hardworking and courageous.Our school have two play grounds one is for Cricket and other is other is for Football.There are about two hundred trees in my school.I was studied in this school since 2012-2014 and done my matric.I got 933/1100 marks.My school consist of a mosque,a big lawn,a big tank of water and a stand.During my stay at school our cricket team won at board level.This school gained 2nd position in district due to its achievements.Yesterday i take this picture from outside of the school.I go to school daily when i came back to home.Now my younger brother is studying in this school.I like this school very much.

My Favourite Magazine

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Importance Of Brassica Campestris

Beauty Of Brassica:- Brassica belongs to Brassicacae family.It is of a great economic importance and it increse the beauty of land.Its flowers are very charming.Due to its charming effect it attracts the insects like honey bee. Many crop species are included in the Brassica genus,which provide edible roots,leaves,stems,buds, flowers and seeds. Economic Importance:- Brassica vegetables are of great economic importance throughout the world and different species are utilized.Brassica oil seed production has increased over the last 40 years and has become one of the most important world sources of vegetable oil after soya bean and cotton seed. In Food Industry:- Brassica oil is used in cooking and during body and hair massage. Seed cakes, locally known as khal, are also used as delicious fodder for milk producing cattle.Whole plant is given as fodder to milk-producing cattle to increase the milk production.Its whole plant also used as a food. In Medical:- In medical field

Lion As The King Of Jungle

The lion is known as the king of jungle because of its ferocious appearance.In this picture I saw  the lion.The ion is sitting behind a tall tree and stones.He is resting and looking for his prey.He is in half sleep and the hair of his neck are raised.He is looking majestic in such a nice mood.He is a wild animal.Lions spend much of their time resting and are inactive for about 20 hours a day. Mostly lions are found in the jungles of Africa. The lion is the most powerful,famous and a big creature in the cat family.They move only when they are hungry and only the king can afford such a life style.Lions also have so many other charactristics that help them to hunt and survive.Thery have very sharp teeth.They does not produce noise while walking.He is a noble fellow.A lion is a sign of loyality and justice.                 "It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life."

Dinner Party Invitation

If I get a chance to invite my five favourute personalities on a dinner party then I would like to invite these five personalities.    1.Roman Reigns   He is my favourite and a famous player in WWE.He is a noble and courageous man.His style of fighting is very good.He is famous due to his superman punch and spear.People said him the Roman Empire.He always follow all the rules of the game.Now he is United states champion.  2.Dr.Abdul Qadeer Khan   He is the real hero of Pakistan.Due to his efforts now Pakistan has become the 1st Nuclear Islamic state in the world.His personality serves as a beacon light for my life.He is a great nuclear scientist.I like him very much. 3.General Raheel Shareef General Raheel Shareef is a great man and protector of Pakistan.People love him,soldiers idealize him,and politicians are in awe of him.He is like a beam of light in the darkness to the people of Pakistan.He is a man on  mission,to bring the country's corrupt to task