Importance Of Brassica Campestris

Beauty Of Brassica:-
Brassica belongs to Brassicacae family.It is of a great economic importance and it increse the beauty of land.Its flowers are very charming.Due to its charming effect it attracts the insects like honey bee.
Many crop species are included in the Brassica genus,which provide edible roots,leaves,stems,buds, flowers and seeds.

Economic Importance:-
Brassica vegetables are of great economic importance throughout the world and different species are utilized.Brassica oil seed production has increased over the last 40 years and has become one of the most important world sources of vegetable oil after soya bean and cotton seed.
In Food Industry:-
Brassica oil is used in cooking and during body and hair massage. Seed cakes, locally known as khal, are also used as delicious fodder for milk producing cattle.Whole plant is given as fodder to milk-producing cattle to increase the milk production.Its whole plant also used as a food.
In Medical:-
In medical field it is used to cure different diseases like Leucorrhoea,menstrual disorder,gleets,body weakness and internal pain.It is a healthy diet and helpful to cure such type of diseases.


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