
I take this picture just know.The whole picture is covered by fog.Some trees are also present in picture.Fog is a very rising issue now days.In fog ice crystals are suspended in the air and near to the earth surface.It cause dangerous effects on our health.Many human activities are effected by fog like transportation.Each year we lost many lives on roads and highways due to fog.I also face two road accidents due to fog while going to my college.It also cause shadows of objects.It decrease the visibility of eye.Sometimes this condition is very severe that we cannot see even more than ten meters.Nowdays fog is known as smog.Smog pollute our enviroment very dangerously.When fog and smoke combined each other than smog is formed.Smog is increasing due to open burning of hydrocarbons and vehicle pollutants.It is more noticeable in winter.It cause health problems like difficulty in breathing,coughing,chest irritation and lungs problem.We can protect ourselves by limiting our outdoor activities and by keeping our enviroment neat and clean.


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