Dinner Party Invitation

If I get a chance to invite my five favourute personalities on a dinner party then I would like to invite these five personalities.
  1.Roman Reigns

 He is my favourite and a famous player in WWE.He is a noble and courageous man.His style of fighting is very good.He is famous due to his superman punch and spear.People said him the Roman Empire.He always follow all the rules of the game.Now he is United states champion.
 2.Dr.Abdul Qadeer Khan
 He is the real hero of Pakistan.Due to his efforts now Pakistan has become the 1st Nuclear Islamic state in the world.His personality serves as a beacon light for my life.He is a great nuclear scientist.I like him very much.

3.General Raheel Shareef
General Raheel Shareef is a great man and protector of Pakistan.People love him,soldiers idealize him,and politicians are in awe of him.He is like a beam of light in the darkness to the people of Pakistan.He is a man on  mission,to bring the country's corrupt to task and eradicate terrorism countrywide.
 4.Fawad Khan
 Fawad Afzal Khan is a Pakistani actor and a singer.As a singer,he was one of the members of the band Entity Paradigm in Lahore.His popularity in bollywood is increasing very rapidly.He won the Filmfare Award for the best male debut.He is a good looking and a handsome man.His acting impressed me a lot.
 5.Imran Khan
One of the famous Politician of the whole World.He tried to change the terrible system of the country by carrying out protests and struggles.During his captaincy Pakistan win 1992's Cricket World Cup.Now he is trying to change the corrupt system of the nation.He comes on 2nd position in most poweful Politicians in the world.                         

I like these personalities a lot so I want to invite them on the Dinner party And I also want to meet them once in my life.


  1. Very interesting list of people! I wonder how this dinner party will look like.


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